The English-Speaking Union’s International Oracy Teacher Award is the only award of its kind which recognises excellence and outreach in oracy education across the globe. If you teach English to children between the ages of five and 18, this is your chance to tell the world about the work you do, and the difference it makes. We encourage individual teachers to apply (with a supporting reference from your local international ESU) and we also invite International ESUs to promote the competition among their networks. Candidates for the International Teacher Award will be selected from finalists of the National Award.
Institution has won prizes in 2 or more different Event categories in the last 3 years
Institution has won at least 1 prize in the last 5 years
Institution is an active paid member for 2 consecutive years and participating in 2 or more events
Institution is an active paid member awaiting certification
Contact the ESU@ESU.CL Chile for more information.
in development
in development
in development
in development
The ESU Activity APP is currently being developed to help foster greater involvement and interaction across the ESU community and reinforce a social online presence by creating a proprietary App to manage all aspects of ESU:
Check back to learn more about our upcoming APP launch!